Day-long near Indianapolis, Indiana

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Intention and the Power of Thought

A day of meditation with Shaila Catherine

The Buddha’s teachings offer practical instructions for working with thought, freeing the mind from patterns that perpetuate suffering, and cultivating intentions that will lead to deep happiness. In this daylong program, we will explore the practical and liberating teachings of the Buddha, learning to use thought skillfully, rather than be overwhelmed by opinions, judgments, or conditioned mental patterns.

Registration Fee:

$50 in advance, $60 at the door. No refunds except if organizers cancel the event. There are two financial-need scholarships remembering Walt Bush, a $10 discount for students and seniors. Fee does not include dana for the teacher. It includes facility rental and will help pay for the teacher’s transportation costs.

Pre-Registration is recommended. Mail your contact information (full name, address, email, and phone number) and check made out to Cindy Brown to her address: 8865 Westfield Blvd, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46240

Your place in the retreat is not secured until your payment is received. Please send your registration as soon as you decide to attend. Maximum attendees is 35.

Pre-paid vegetarian lunch at Benedict Inn cafeteria is available for those with no dietary restrictions. This is available only if we receive your additional $10 by September 24, 2015. If not received by then or you pay at the door, please bring your own vegetarian or vegan lunch. Bottled water will be available if needed.

On the Day of the Retreat:

Registration will start at 9:15 AM. Participants are encouraged to come early and enjoy the grounds at Benedict Inn. Sitting will be in chairs but feel free to bring your cushion if you prefer to sit on the floor.

Dana for the teacher is encouraged. In the Buddhist tradition, the teachings are given freely because they are considered priceless. One of the easiest forms of Dana to practice is in the form of monetary donation. Dana is not payment for goods or services rendered; it is given from the heart. Your generosity is a gift that supports not just the teachers, but also the Sangha, the larger Dharma community, and your own practice.

Register through the Indianapolis Buddhist Meditation Retreat’s MeetUp site.

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