On these pages, you’ll find resources, lectures, articles, dhamma talks, and interviews that share the teachings given either at IMSB or the work of IMSB teachers. We hope that these resources will nurture the development of your practice on days when you cannot make your way to an IMSB program or meeting.
Listen to Dhamma Talks
DharmaSeed, an international archive of western vipassana teachings, is hosting Insight Meditation South Bay’s collection of audio recordings. Please visit the IMSB portal on DharmaSeed to download dhamma talks given by Shaila Catherine and guest teachers at IMSB events.
As you navigate DharmaSeed, you may notice that many of our guest teachers are only accessible through the IMSB Portal, and do not appear in the general DharmaSeed directory. The DharmaSeed directory only displays teachers who have previously taught at certain established vipassana centers. Since IMSB enjoys a wide range of guest speakers, many of whom are not within the ranks of the large established retreat centers, please bookmark the IMSB Portal to enable easy access to this marvelous collection in the future.
Teachings by Shaila Catherine
Shaila shares teachings that you can read, watch, and listen to on shailacatherine.com. You will find interviews, articles, transcribed talks, podcasts, recorded dhamma talks, and more.