Saturday: Relax, Let Go, Keep Trying!
Balanced and skillful effort is a vital meditative skill. This daylong program will cultivate relaxation, letting go, and persistence as we learn a how gentle diligent effort supports the deepening of concentration and insight.
This day long is suitable for both new and experienced practitioners.
Sunday: What is Effort? Control, Letting Go, and Trust in Mindfulness Meditation
- What can you control?
- When must you surrender?
- How do you perk up your enthusiasm when it slackens?
- What is the purpose of deep relaxation?
As we become increasingly aware of our perceptions, we refine our engagement with our experiences and learn to meet our life more and more clearly and wisely. We learn to adjust the balance of energy and ease with each life situation, both on and off the meditation cushion. This program will include sitting and walking meditation, mindfulness meditation instructions, and teachings that explore subtle aspects of Right Effort, control, letting go, motivation, and trust.
This day long is suitable for both new and experienced practitioners.