Weekend Retreat in Texas

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Path of Wisdom and Awakening
An Insight Meditation Retreat
with Shaila Catherine

November 13-17, 2019

Led by Shaila Catherine

This silent retreat offers practical instruction in mindfulness, concentration, and insight meditation practice (vipassana). Through developing mindfulness of breath, body, feelings, and mind, meditators will find that habitual judgments, fear, and craving will fall away, and the natural spaciousness of a mind imbued with wisdom and joy will be revealed. By cultivating calm, balanced awareness, we can dissolve any suffering that may entangle our hearts, and discover our freedom in the midst of things.

Instructions in sitting and walking meditation, consultations with the teacher, and daily dharma teachings make this retreat suitable for both new and experienced practitioners.

It will be held at the Margaret Austin Retreat Center in Texas which is mid-way between Austin and Houston.

Registration will open approximately 6 weeks prior to the start of the retreat.

For details and registration information visit the Mariposa Sangha website at: https://mariposasangha.org/wisdom-and-awakening/

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