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Half-Day Meditation | Los Altos | Ten Fetters: Focus on Restlessness

Foothills Congregational Church 461 Orange Ave, Los Altos, CA, United States

A meditation program with Shaila Catherine Topic: The Ten Fetters: Focus on Restlessness This half-day meditation program will nurture the development of mindfulness, concentration, and full awareness in activities. We teach classic Buddhist approaches that enhance attention skills, bring mindfulness to meet the everyday experiences, and cultivate deep calm and liberating wisdom. The program will include [...]

Get Tickets $25.00 – $150.00

Half-Day Meditation | Los Altos | Ten Fetters: Focus on Ignorance

Foothills Congregational Church 461 Orange Ave, Los Altos, CA, United States

A meditation program with Shaila Catherine Topic: The Ten Fetters: Focus on Ignorance This half-day meditation program will nurture the development of mindfulness, concentration, and full awareness in activities. We teach classic Buddhist approaches that enhance attention skills, bring mindfulness to meet the everyday experiences, and cultivate deep calm and liberating wisdom. The program will include [...]

Get Tickets $25.00 – $150.00

Half-Day Meditation | Los Altos | Focus on Good Friends

Foothills Congregational Church 461 Orange Ave, Los Altos, CA, United States

A meditation program with Shaila Catherine Topic: Dawn of the Liberating Path: Focus on the Role of Good Friends The Buddha teaches that, just as the dawn precedes the rising sun, developing certain qualities prepares us for the path of liberation. Seven of these qualities are highlighted in the Samyutta Nikaya (SN 45:49-90): good friends, [...]

Get Tickets $25.00 – $150.00

Half-Day Meditation | Los Altos | Focus on Virtue

Foothills Congregational Church 461 Orange Ave, Los Altos, CA, United States

A meditation program with Shaila Catherine Topic: Dawn of the Liberating Path: Focus on the Role of Virtue The Buddha teaches that, just as the dawn precedes the rising sun, developing certain qualities prepares us for the path of liberation. Seven of these qualities are highlighted in the Samyutta Nikaya (SN 45:49-90): good friends, virtue, [...]

Get Tickets $25.00 – $150.00

Half-Day Meditation | Los Altos | Focus on Desire

Foothills Congregational Church 461 Orange Ave, Los Altos, CA, United States

A meditation program with Shaila Catherine Topic: Dawn of the Liberating Path: Focus on the Role of Desire The Buddha teaches that, just as the dawn precedes the rising sun, developing certain qualities prepares us for the path of liberation. Seven of these qualities are highlighted in the Samyutta Nikaya (SN 45:49-90): good friends, virtue, [...]

Get Tickets $25.00 – $150.00

Half-Day Meditation | Los Altos | Focus on Mind

Foothills Congregational Church 461 Orange Ave, Los Altos, CA, United States

A meditation program with Shaila Catherine Topic: Dawn of the Liberating Path: Focus on the Role of the Completeness of Mind The Buddha teaches that, just as the dawn precedes the rising sun, developing certain qualities prepares us for the path of liberation. Seven of these qualities are highlighted in the Samyutta Nikaya (SN 45:49-90): [...]

Get Tickets $25.00 – $150.00

Half-Day Meditation | Los Altos | Focus on View

Foothills Congregational Church 461 Orange Ave, Los Altos, CA, United States

A meditation program with Shaila Catherine Topic: Dawn of the Liberating Path: Focus on the Role of View The Buddha teaches that, just as the dawn precedes the rising sun, developing certain qualities prepares us for the path of liberation. Seven of these qualities are highlighted in the Samyutta Nikaya (SN 45:49-90): good friends, virtue, [...]

Get Tickets $25.00 – $150.00

Half-Day Meditation | Los Altos | Focus on Diligence

Foothills Congregational Church 461 Orange Ave, Los Altos, CA, United States

A meditation program with Shaila Catherine Topic: Dawn of the Liberating Path: Focus on the Role of Diligence The Buddha teaches that, just as the dawn precedes the rising sun, developing certain qualities prepares us for the path of liberation. Seven of these qualities are highlighted in the Samyutta Nikaya (SN 45:49-90): good friends, virtue, [...]

Get Tickets $25.00 – $150.00

Half-Day Meditation | Los Altos | Focus on Careful Attention

Foothills Congregational Church 461 Orange Ave, Los Altos, CA, United States

A meditation program with Shaila Catherine Topic: Dawn of the Liberating Path: Focus on the Role of Careful Attention The Buddha teaches that, just as the dawn precedes the rising sun, developing certain qualities prepares us for the path of liberation. Seven of these qualities are highlighted in the Samyutta Nikaya (SN 45:49-90): good friends, [...]

Get Tickets $25.00 – $150.00
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