Monthly Archives: February 2017

Speakers address pragmatic aspects of living the dhamma in everyday life

IMSB's current Speaker Series: Everyday Dhamma On February 14, Ron Purser launched the new guest speaker series by exploring the four gateways of Samsara (I, me, mine, and mind). On February 21, Lisa Dale Miller discussed how we can use the five precepts to navigate conflicts with others. She recommended openly acknowledging suffering, considering and [...]

2017-02-24T15:25:31-08:00February 24th, 2017|News|

A Journey of Awakening

IMSB’s monthly day of practice February 25 will address a unique and rather personal theme. Principal teacher, Shaila Catherine, will discuss her own journey of practice and understanding of awakening. This topic will conclude our six-month Walking the Path course which has been studying Realizing Awakened Consciousness by Richard Boyle, and his compilation of interviews [...]

2017-02-16T09:34:49-08:00February 15th, 2017|News|

A Teaching on Bright vs Verified Faith

At the Tuesday, February 7 teaching in Mountain View, Shaila Catherine addressed the topic of Faith and confidence in the Buddhist tradition. She distinguished between bright (blind) faith and verified faith. Bright faith is superficial, but valuable if it inspires us to stay on the path. Over time, the benefits of our own practice sow the [...]

2017-02-12T13:24:33-08:00February 8th, 2017|News|
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