Speaker Series: Lesser Known Teachings

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Event Series Event Series: Speaker Series: Lesser Known Teachings

Thus Have I Heard: Teachings Inspired by Lesser Known Discourses of the Buddha

The Pali Canon includes over 5,000 discourses that document conversations and encounters that occurred during forty years of the Buddha’s ministry. Over the centuries, certain teachings have risen to the surface with popularity and come to characterize our impression of what the Buddha taught. However, the vast collection of source material reaches beyond these well known teachings.

For this speaker series, IMSB has invited guest teachers to focus on teachings that have been largely neglected by contemporary Buddhist groups. Each talk will share a lesser-known teaching, event, or instruction that will enrich our comprehension of what the Buddha taught. We will discover whether broadening our source material reinforces the dominant view of Buddhist practice or paints a different picture of meditation and the path of liberation.

  • April 12 — with Sean Feit — Two Bright Qualities: Shame and Dread (hiri and ottappa) — Teachings from AN 7:65
  • April 19 — with Diana Clark — Sustaining Relationships — Teachings from AN 4:32, AN 4:256  and AN 9:5
  • April 26 — with Tony Bernhard — Lessons from the Quarrel at Kosambi — Teachings from MN 48 and MN 128
  • May 3 — with Kim Allen — From Scared-in-the-Woods to Liberated — Teachings from MN 4, on Fear and Dread
  • May 10 — with Andrea Fella — Becoming Freedom — Teachings from the Atthakavagga in the Sutta Nipata
  • May 17 — with Nona Olivia — Discerning a Trustworthy Teacher — Guidance from the Therigatha and Canki Sutta
  • May 24 – with Shaila Catherine — The Buddha’s Practical Advice for Maintaining Material Gains and Wealth

AN = Anguttara Nikaya, The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha
MN = Majjhima Nikaya, The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha
— Sutta reference numbers are based upon Bhikkhu Bodhi’s translation, published by Wisdom Publications.

Read speaker biographies on our Teacher’s Page.

Everyone is welcome. Chairs are provided. Bring a cushion if you prefer to sit on the floor.

Insight Meditation South Bay offers two weekly meditation groups—Tuesdays in Mountain View, and Thursdays in Saratoga.

This group meets every Tuesday evening for a sitting and Dhamma talk in Mountain View. The principal teacher is Shaila Catherine and guest speakers are featured regularly. Thematic series are periodically presented, but whether or not a topic has been advertised in advance, Shaila or a guest teacher will lead the sitting and offer teachings. See also weekly sitting.

Newcomers are always welcome. To help newcomers get acquainted with mindfulness meditation and IMSB, a senior member or teacher offers a beginner’s orientation beginning at 6:30 on the first Tuesday of each month.

IMSB relies upon the generosity of participants to support our teachers and cover organizational expenses. Dana is a word in the ancient Pali language that describes donations, offerings and generosity. Two bowls will be available at an event to practice dana for the teacher and IMSB; we encourage you to give joyfully and generously, according to your resources and means. IMSB is a 501(c) (3) organization. All donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.

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