Transformative Teachings | Online Sutta Study Course | Shaila Catherine & Kim Allen

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Transformative Teachings
An Online IMSB Dhamma Study Course with Shaila Catherine and Kim Allen

Six Monday Evenings from February 27 – July 24, 2023 | 5:30 – 7:00 PM Pacific Time

  • Feb 27
  • March 20
  • April 24
  • May 29
  • June 26
  • July 24

Buddhist teachings contain many inspiring stories of ordinary people whose lives were transformed when they encountered the Dharma. For people who met the Buddha more than two millennia ago as well as for contemporary meditators, Dharma teachings can spark life-altering reflections, open the mind to new possibilities, ignite creative insights, affirm profound understandings, and expand one’s potential in life.

This 6-session online course explores a variety of transformative teachings through the extraordinary stories of select disciples of the Buddha. As we learn about the historic impact that dharma teachings have had on the lives of the early disciples, we will explore how these teachings guide our practice today. We will observe the vital role that mindfulness and concentration play on a liberating path; recognize the courage needed to overcome obstacles; reflect on the inevitability of death; contemplate impermanence in all perceptions; cultivate wise attention to the body; practice letting go; clarify what matters most; and nourish compassion, generosity, and community connections.

The course will loosely follow the book Daughters of the Buddha by Bhikkhu Anālayo. We will explore various themes referred to in the book and follow tangents for discussion with additional readings and practices drawn from the suttas. The course will include teachings, group discussions, meditation, and suggested practices.

Please purchase the book, Daughters of the Buddha, and read pages 1–33 prior to the first session.

Register now by selecting a ticket below to join us in delving into the teachings that may transform your life!

Co-sponsored by Insight Meditation South Bay & Bodhi Retreats

VISIT our Teacher Page for teacher biographies and photographs.

WHO SHOULD JOIN: This course is open to anyone, however, since emphasis will be on the discourses of the Buddha rather than meditation, participants should already have some mindfulness meditation experience.

COURSE LEVELS: It is designed as a level 2–3 course. Click this link for a key to course level designations.

VIDEO CONFERENCES: We will use the Zoom video conference platform. Zoom is easy to access via computer or phone. More information and the zoom link will be provided in the confirmation materials after registering. This is a discussion oriented course, and we not guarantee that there will be recordings for all the sessions. Please register only if you expect to be able to attend at least half the program.

 Registration is required for this course. Registration fees are non-refundable. To register select an option under the Tickets heading at the bottom of this page.

The sliding scale fee range is from $590 to $190 and will be shared between IMSB and the teacher(s). The lower end of the sliding scale is intended for those with limited means. The base rate of $190 is estimated to cover basic administrative costs. The base rate does not factor in compensation for teachers or ongoing administrative expenses for IMSB. By choosing to give at the mid to high range of the sliding scale your generosity supports those with limited income to attend our programs, and it supports IMSB and the teachers. We encourage you to choose the highest level that is appropriate for your economic situation. If you need additional scholarship assistance to attend, we offer a 30% or 50% discount for those with financial need. To use the scholarship rates, use one of these coupon codes during the registration process: less30%, or halftherate.

TICKETING TIP: You may purchase series tickets on any day of the series. When you purchase a ticket you are registering for the entire class series. So you only need to register once.

 The base registration fee is not tax deductible and non-refundable. Donations above the base rate will be considered voluntary tax deductible contributions. Each January the IMSB treasurer sends donors letters that acknowledge the accumulated deductible donations from the previous year. This annual letter will acknowledge the amount given that is above the base rate and serve as documentation for tax deduction purposes.

 All fees and payments are non-refundable. If it becomes necessary to cancel participation in a course, and the registrar is notified prior to the start of the first class meeting, your registration fee will be converted into a voucher creditable towards the fee for a future IMSB course or event. Vouchers must be used within one year of the initial course start date, and may be transferred to only one future course. Cancellations that occur after the start of the first class are not eligible for the voucher credit.

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