Shaila Catherine

About Shaila Catherine

Shaila Catherine is the founder and principal teacher of both Insight Meditation South Bay, a meditation center in Silicon Valley, and Bodhi Courses, an online Dhamma classroom. She has been practicing meditation since 1980, with more than eight years of accumulated silent retreat experience. She has taught since 1996 in the USA, India, Israel, England, Europe, and New Zealand. Shaila has dedicated several years to studying with masters in India, Nepal and Thailand, completed a one year intensive meditation retreat with the focus on concentration and jhana, and authored Focused and Fearless: A Meditator’s Guide to States of Deep Joy, Calm, and Clarity, (Wisdom Publications, 2008). She has extensive experience with the practice of metta, including seven months exploring metta as the meditation subject in retreats. Since 2006, Shaila had continued her study of jhana and insight with the guidance of Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw of Burma. She authored Wisdom Wide and Deep: A Practical Handbook for Mastering Jhana and Vipassana (Wisdom Publications, 2011) to help make this traditional approach to meditative training accessible to western practitioners.

Mindful Self-Esteem Course Thursday nights nurtures self-acceptance and compassion

Mindful Self-Esteem – Cultivating Self-Acceptance and Self-Compassion course at IMSB’s Saratoga location on Thursday nights has developed into a close-knit and dedicated group. The instructor, Dr. Janetti Marotta, skillfully leads the class with guided meditations, small group exercises, and easy homework assignments that help the participants to learn positive attributes and simultaneously build mindfulness skills [...]

2018-05-24T11:55:43-07:00May 24th, 2018|News|

Spring Retreat at new site in Upper Lake, CA was a success!

Due to the fires that devastated Santa Rosa last year, our annual spring ten-day retreat relocated to Saratoga Springs Retreat Center in Upper Lake, CA— about 15 minutes from Clear Lake, just north of the wine country. The retreat center is nestled in a narrow valley, protected from outside noise by 2 ridges with hiking [...]

2018-05-24T23:01:23-07:00May 1st, 2018|News|

Raffle Winners

We drew our grand prize raffle winner on the beautiful Buddha statue at the conclusion of our guest speaker series on the Awakening Factors. Congratulations to our winners:     Chetan - Grand Prize     Laura - Second Intermediate Prize     Soorej - First Intermediate Prize Thanks to Steve Finkelman for the wonderful donations of the [...]

2018-04-21T07:04:03-07:00April 21st, 2018|News|

Bhikkhu Bodhi Led a Question and Answer Session

It was a great joy to host Bhikkhu Bodhi this week when he led our monthly sutta study class. We have been studying the Numerical Discourses of the Buddha (Anguttara Nikaya) for the last few years, and 20 members of our Friday and Wednesday groups joined together to meet with Bhikkhu Bodhi. He offered us [...]

2018-03-31T08:41:13-07:00March 31st, 2018|News|

Mindfulness – an excellent talk by Chris Clifford

Our winter guest speaker series on the seven factors of awakening was a rousing success! Chris Clifford gave an especially clear and comprehensive talk on Mindfulness that you can download here: More recordings of our guest speakers will soon be posted at:

2018-03-31T08:23:12-07:00March 10th, 2018|News|

Annual Fundraising Goal Achieved!

It is with deep appreciation that we report the wonderful news that this year's annual appeal met, and in the final days of 2017 actually surpassed, our goal of raising $30,000 for annual operating expenses. The IMSB community stepped up with hearts and wallets open, with 63 donors giving $34,486. Much appreciations to all!  

2018-01-17T14:46:06-08:00January 4th, 2018|News|

Enlivening your practice with Sitting and Walking

Between each series class on Thursdays in Saratoga IMSB offers a drop-in evening that provides an opportunity to practice meditation together. It is a great way of introducing a friend to meditation, and deepening your own practice with an evening of guided meditations, sitting and walking practice, or other mindfulness exercises. People leave smiling, and [...]

2017-09-09T01:29:10-07:00January 4th, 2018|News|

IMSB Tours the Asian Art Museum

Today a group of IMSB members and friends enjoyed a private tour of the collection of Buddha Statues at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. The guided tour highlighted exquisite examples of Buddhist art from India, Thailand, Korea, China, Cambodia, Tibet, and Japan. It was a lovely day event!

2017-10-22T10:59:30-07:00October 20th, 2017|News|

Bhikkhu Analayo will offer a guest teacher appearance in Shaila’s upcoming online Mindfulness of the Body course.

Register now for Bodhi Courses next online program: Satipatthana: Mindfulness of the Body. The program includes all the usual superb features of Shaila's online classes with recorded lectures, live conference calls, guided meditation, reflective exercises, and stimulating reading assignments. In addition we have heard the exciting news that Bhikkhu Analayo will offer a special guest teacher [...]

2017-10-02T05:53:37-07:00October 2nd, 2017|News|

Living Wisely In the World ~ A fascinating speaker series

Our summer speaker series, Living Wisely In The World, was a great success, with a dynamic lineup of speakers: Shaila Catherine Jennifer Dungan Lisa Dale Miller Nikki Mirghafori Tony Bernhard Robert Cusick If you missed any of these great talks, you can still listen to them through the IMSB portal to DharmaSeed. The talks are [...]

2017-10-02T05:55:40-07:00September 15th, 2017|News|

Engaged, Activist, Social and Communal Topics

In response to many requests, we are offering a course that will explore what the Buddha taught about social and community topics. The course will run for ten weeks on Thursday evenings in Saratoga beginning October 26. The class is structured around a brilliant little book by Bhikkhu Bodhi, that collects discourses of the Buddha [...]

2017-09-09T01:19:46-07:00September 11th, 2017|News|

Forgiveness and Angulimala

Last week (September 5) Shaila Catherine gave a moving dhamma talk on the theme of Forgiveness. Next week on September 12 she will launch our next speaker series with a talk on Angulimala, who was a robber and murderer who gave up his wicked ways and ordained under the Buddha. This speaker series is on the [...]

2017-09-09T01:37:08-07:00September 9th, 2017|News|

Join a session with Shaila online with World Wide Insight

Sunday 10th September Shaila Catherine will be teaching at Worldwide Insight, a unique online platform for live, interactive dharma teachings. It is free to sign up and participate in the class. The theme will be Appreciation. The class starts at 2pm EST, 7pm UK. You can find out more at, and you can share details of the [...]

2017-09-09T00:59:46-07:00September 9th, 2017|News|

Take an online course on Mindfulness of the Body.

Shaila Catherine will be offering an online course on Satipatthana: Mindfulness of the Body this fall. For people who live far away, or find it difficult to get to our local sitting group, this online course is an excellent opportunity for in-depth study, reflection, and practice. The course includes readings, lectures, guided meditations, reflective assignments [...]

2017-09-09T00:52:57-07:00September 9th, 2017|News|
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