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Register for 10-week Thursday Class in Saratoga: Buddhism and Social Harmony

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga

Click here to jump to the registration page with the ticketing options. A ten-week sutta study discussion course led by Shaila Catherine and Sharon Allen In this course we will study Bhikkhu Bodhi's powerful collection of discourses from the Pali Canon that address issues relevant to our times: communication, anger, conflict resolution, friendship, social equity, and interpersonal [...]


Course: The Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal Harmony

Westhope Presbyterian Church 12850 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga

A 5-week sutta study discussion course led by Shaila Catherine and Sharon Allen In this course we will study Bhikkhu Bodhi’s powerful collection of discourses from the Pali Canon that address issues relevant to our times: communication, anger, conflict resolution, friendship, social equity, and interpersonal dynamics. This 5-week course offers a discussion format for sutta [...]